Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 2 - Ready to Rip Someone's Head Off!

So, I had an "Aha Moment" as Oprah calls it. I always refer back to my single days as my "skinny" days. Let's face it, we were all thinner when we were single, right? HA! I realized the reason I was skinny is not because I was single, but I was single because I skinny. Yes, folks, I am going to admit it here and now. I am a raging bitch when I don't eat. I don't know what it is - the German heritage, the blonde hair, the love affair I have with butter and pork - but, regardless of the reason the bottom line is - I MUST EAT. I am pretty confident that had I been eating more (when I was single), I would have been more welcoming and friendly towards others and perhaps had a more long-term relationships. I have Rhett to thank for my new physique and disposition - all because he introduced me to DESSERT! :) Not that I regret at all how things turned out. Just an observation.

This is week two of the "cleanse from all things impure and yummy". I've been pretty good. I picked a french-fry up off of Rhett's plate yesterday and ate it, only to realize - I CAN'T EAT FRENCH FRIES!!! Damn it!! The ranch I dipped it in - also not allowed.

I am finding the hardest part is not being able to have a cocktail before my meal or a glass of wine with dinner. I don't consider myself a heavy drinker - probably only 3-4 times a week. Nonetheless, if I am going to take the time to go to a restaurant for dinner - I want a drink. Can't we all agree that time with friends is only made more special with a yummy cocktail? So, I cheated. I had three cocktails last week. LOL! I don't know why, but that made me giggle! :) I will tell you, they were well worth the cheat. (Thank you Luke for the World's Best Margarita! I have dreamt about it two nights in a row!!) This whole revelation regarding my relationship with "the drink" has me happy I am addressing this now - rather than when I am pregnant (no I am not trying - just thinking ahead) and it would be a bad thing to cheat. Although, having said that - I'm not doing a very good job of addressing it. Perhaps I should aim to cut back rather than eliminate. 2 drinks? Yes, that sounds good. Only 2 drinks per week. Noted! :)

Other than that and the fact that I almost killed my husband twice because I forgot to eat my afternoon snack, things are going fairly well. I am really looking forward to adding fruit back into the mix. I am craving an apple like you would not believe. The other craving that has not subsided is ice cream. I might add that if you are thinking about following in my steps, you may want to plan so you aren't starting on the same day your period starts!

The meals have been good and have been approved by the hubby. I will post some recipes when I have more patience and am not so irritable (i.e., when I can have an apple).

Wish me luck and pray for Rhett. He's amazingly patient with me! :-)

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