Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Seven Month Update

On December 11 of last year, I posted a blog that I was making some changes in my life that were to become permanent. You may have followed me through the very difficult first few months. I am finally starting to see some serious results that make me very pleased with my decision not to crash diet and not to burn out on exercise.

Here is the list of goals I set for this year:

•Increase fiber intake - Done

•Completely eliminate refined sugar - Almost there. I still need one teaspoon in my coffee each morning.

•Completely eliminate gluten - Done

•Completely eliminate non-organic dairy and red-meat - Have given up on the red-meat part. I just like it too much. But, we the only red meat I eat is elk my husband killed! :)
•Exercise a minimum of 3-5x a week on average - Done! VICTORY!!! I average about 5-6x a week.

•Completely eliminate carbonated beverages - Other than Champagne, done! :)

•Decrease caffeine intake - Done! I am down to 1 - 2c. of coffee a day. I was up to 10 when I started!
I have not lost a lot of pounds, but I am down a full pant size and back in some of "skinnier" pants. I know they tell you not to look at the scale, but I think it must be some kind of an indicator or we wouldn't have them, right?
I have decided to take the fitness aspect of my goals to a new level and increase my cardio workout. Right now I weight train 3x/week with my trainer. I have never been this toned in my life and agile too! I love it! :) I am increasing cardio from 2x/week to 5x/week.
For all those people that HATE going to the gym - I was one of you. However, once you are actually in good shape and can meet your exercise goals, it is a joy to go! I feel so great after 30 minutes of cardio. I also have noticed that the weight almost falls off my mid-section with the increased cardio.
My goal is to loose that final stubborn 15-20lbs by September 1, 2010. In order to motivate myself, I have a contest with my friend - whoever gets to her goal first wins! A little competition was all I needed to really get me motivated! :)
I can't believe it has been 7 months already. I have to remind myself that it took 3 years to gain the weight and get out of shape - I can't turn it around in 3 months! It is going to take time to make a lifestyle change that will be permanent.
I feel I am well on my way to permanence. ;-)


  1. not sure if this would count or not, but i have always used honey in my coffee. WAY better than sugar.

  2. Thanks Rach - I'll be honest and say it does not sound good, but I'm willing to give it a try!
